APA format for SPSS tables
Okay so APA for everything in a thesis or dissertation is achievable, but SPSS? That is a road block for me. I have so many tables in my document and not one is appropriate. What’s more, I am unable to format it accurately as it is. I heard that you can automatically get SPSS tables in APA format, so I am here asking the same. How do I do that?
Posted in: Survey and Analysis
Alex Kruger 10:22 am on August 31, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I was stuck at the same point. To format SPSS result tables is a one BIG task and tedious, to say the least. If you have a lot of tables then you can just automatically do it, without wasting any time. I am attaching a post which wonderfully explains all the steps for that. You can just follow the steps, it’s actually simple.
Leonardo Carvalho Pereira 4:37 am on September 3, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
In my research, I did not generate automatic APA formatted SPSS table, but formatted the tables later. It wasn’t much time consuming, when you get the hang of it. I formatted the tables by referring to this post: